The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (RWSSIP) is currently being implemented in 25 villages of the Kyrgyz Republic (KR).
The Kyrgyz Republic and the International Development Association have engaged in a long-term cooperation on poverty alleviation and facilitation of sustainable development and economic growth in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The assistance proposed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) contributes to achieving one of the goals of the National Development Strategy, 2018-2040, of the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic to ensure clean water and sanitation conditions for all.
The Regional Economic Development Project in the Osh region and Osh city will focus on enabling regional economic development with a focus on catalyzing private sector development, and on building the capacity of urban centers to serve as the hubs for regional development.
The Second Regional Economic Development Project (RED-2) is focused on the facilitating regional economic development by increasing agricultural, improving basic municipal services and expanding the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the Batken region, and, in case of crisis or emergency, providing an immediate and effective response to eligible crisis or emergency.
The Project Objective is to engage communities in the development of social and economic infrastructure in order to enhance services, livelihoods and inclusion in target oblasts near the CASA1000 Transmission Line.
The Project objective is to promote income growth and increase economic growth in pasture communities.
The Project Development Objectives are to build local capacity for participatory development; and improve access to quality community infrastructure services in targeted project areas.
The Project objective is to improve the efficiency and quality of heat supply in selected project areas of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Целью развития является улучшение доступа к устойчивой к климатическим изменениям социально-экономической инфраструктуре и расширение экономических возможностей для женщин и молодежи в целевых сообществах.
Цель Проекта заключается в содействии развитию экономики с низким уровнем выбросов углерода и устойчивой к изменению климата. При этом будут капитализированы важные сопутствующие преимущества от адаптации и снижения риска стихийных бедствий. Проект приведет к секвестрации 19,8 млн. тонн CO2 – эквивалент за 20 лет. Эти сокращения составят 7,6 % от общего объема выбросов в стране и 22,6 % доли сельскохозяйственных выбросов.